Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tokleh Tehe: Bahasa Malaysia la, brader!

I can't stand some issues that is happening around but let me make this a positive one instead of a complaining blog. Tokleh tehe - a Malay phrase (Kelantanese slang) which means "Tak boleh tahan" will be used for all blogs regarding this issue.

Let me spill out, I cannot take it when we are using Bahasa Malaysia and then add on some English to it. Some people may do it for fun, some for "glamourous" effects and some doing it because they are out of vocabulary to use. Not that I speak pure Bahasa Malaysia when I speak but I do not do it for the earlier.

Likewise, when filling in forms in Bahasa Malaysia, I just could not see people use English phrases to do it. Today, I encounter a form from the Ministry of Youth and Sports. My friend suggested to put "programming" in one of the fields. As far as I am concern, "programming" is "pengaturcaraan" in Bahasa Malaysia and since the language is our country's formal language, let us all use it with dignity.

I am not a Bahasa Malaysia- maniac or so lunatic as to champion the use of the language in all areas. However, I have utmost respect for the language because we are Bangsa Malaysia and the language is a connector among people in Malaysia.

Why do I say this? I recall a friend who is selling spectacles. He is a Chinese Malaysian and he could speak Hokkien, Hakka, Mandarin, Cantonese and some Teochew. One fine day, a customer walk in. From the skin colour, he looks Chinese so my friend was not too worried.

All of a sudden, his customer spoke in a language he could not understand. He knew it was a Chinese dialect but he just could not understand the language. It was Foochew. He tried to speak to him in any other Chinese dialects he could speak. None of the dialects he knew could communicate with his customer.

That was critical. How can you communicate and talk about business when you can't understand each other? At this juncture, I was very intrigued and quickly asked how the deal ended. He said the customer finally asked, "Melayu tau ka?" (can you understand Malay?) They both laughed and spoke Bahasa Malaysia to communicate. The rest is history.

I have written a piece regarding my opinion on our national language. It was carried by Utusan Malaysia. I only emailed that article to the reader's column but the piece of article proudly presented itself in the RENCANA column instead. Months after that, I even received royalty for it. Cool piece - I guess. Let's examine and see if you agree.

Bahasa membina bangsa
(in the news ::: Utusan Malaysia, Rencana, 6 Oct 2006)


BERITA “Cemar bahasa didenda – Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka akan jadi badan penguat kuasa” di dada akhbar Utusan Malaysia hari ini amat menggembirakan. Sudah tiba masanya Malaysia mengukuhkan bahasa kebangsaan dan penggunaannya dalam seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Kita amat berbangga dengan tindakan Kementerian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan untuk memberi kuasa kepada Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka untuk mempertahankan penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan yang betul.

Bahasa bukan sahaja merupakan satu pengantara pertuturan. Pepatah ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ membawa maksud yang amat besar. Sesuatu bangsa itu tidak teguh jika tidak dipertahankan bahasa dan budayanya. Tidak hairanlah kalau terdapat pelbagai bantahan apabila bahasa Inggeris diperkenalkan untuk mengajar subjek Matematik dan Sains di sekolah.

Tidak salah jika bangsa Malaysia bijak bertutur pelbagai bahasa. Kita berbangga mempunyai bakat seperti Mahadzir Lokman yang pandai berbahasa, malah dapat menguasai sehingga tujuh bahasa. Ramai juga orang Melayu dan India sekarang menghantar anak-anak mereka belajar di sekolah Cina dan sebaliknya. Rata-rata, seluruh dunia mengagumi bangsa Malaysia yang dapat berbicara menggunakan lebih daripada satu bahasa. Inilah satu lagi keunikan negara kita yang tidak dapat ditandingi oleh negara lain.

Penulis berpendapat bahawa bangsa Malaysia harus mengusai berbagai-bagai bahasa demi mencari ilmu dan pengetahuan yang wujud di segenap pelosok dunia yang tampil dalam bermacam-macam bahasa. Malah bangsa Malaysia nanti yang akan mendapat segala kelebihan apabila dapat menggunakan pelbagai bahasa.

Namun, bahasa kebangsaan kita tidak harus dilupakan dan jangan sesekali diperlekehkan. Siapakah bangsa Malaysia tanpa bahasa kebangsaannya? Siapakah bangsa Malaysia jika bangsa sendiri mencemar bahasa sendiri?

Akta Bahasa Kebangsaan 1963/1967 menetapkan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi negara. Setakat mana akta ini dihayati apabila kita masih mempunyai surat-surat rasmi yang menggunakan bahasa lain? Mustahilkah jika bangsa Malaysia menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan sendiri dalam urusan rasmi? Jika Frank Swettenham, Residen British semasa zaman penjajahan dahulu, fasih menggunakan bahasa Melayu, tidak segankah bangsa Malaysia sendiri gagal mempertahankan bahasa kebangsaannya?

Selain daripada mengenakan denda kepada pihak yang tidak menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan dengan betul, kita berharap lebih banyak tindakan diambil untuk memperbaiki mutu bahasa kebangsaan dan memperluaskan penggunaannya di semua peringkat masyarakat, lebih-lebih lagi dalam era teknologi masa kini.

Cadangan penulis adalah supaya bahasa kebangsaan dapat diperluas pencapaiannya. Di zaman moden ini, sudah banyak perisian penterjemahan dan kamus boleh didapati secara percuma melalui laman web. Dengan sekali klik sahaja, perisian begini boleh menterjemahkan semua teks dalam satu laman web atau dokumen daripada satu bahasa kepada satu bahasa yang lain.

Penulis percaya terdapat ramai pengendali laman web dan laman forum juga menginginkan perisian yang dapat membuat penterjemahan dengan mudah supaya dapat menyediakan laman web dwi- bahasa. Laman web bukan sahaja dapat menjangkau lebih ramai pengguna tetapi juga mudah digunakan pada bila-bila masa dan mana-mana tempat. Kamus dalam talian juga harus diperkenalkan kepada pengguna bahasa dan dirangka untuk memudahkan pencapaiannya yang seterusnya akan memperluaskan penggunaannya.

Penulis melihat usaha sesetengah akhbar bahasa Inggeris tempatan untuk memperbaiki penggunaan bahasa Inggeris merupakan satu langkah yang amat berfaedah untuk memperkukuhkan bahasa mat saleh itu. Contohnya, akhbar The Star mempunyai ruangan yang menerima beragam- ragam pendapat pembaca demi memperkukuhkan bahasa tersebut. Penulis mencadangkan supaya cara sedemikian dilakukan untuk bahasa Melayu bukan sahaja di akhbar bahasa kebangsaan tetapi di semua akhbar tempatan. Mudah-mudahan, akhbar-akhbar tempatan boleh menyediakan satu ruangan setiap hari atau setiap minggu bagi tujuan memperluaskan penerimaan dan penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan.

Microsoft di Malaysia sudah memperkenalkan sistem pengendalian pelbagai bahasa. Usaha ini bukan sahaja dapat merapatkan jurang digital malah mampu memperluaskan penggunaan bahasa kebangsaan dalam teknologi moden. Penulis mencadangkan agar perusahaan yang membantu memperkasakan martabat bahasa kebangsaan hari ini diiktiraf dan diberi penghargaan.

Segala perlaksanaan dan tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak kerajaan tidak memadai jika rakyat Malaysia sendiri tidak mengendahkan usaha kerajaan. Bahasa kebangsaan harus diterapkan sebagai bahasa yang digunakan setiap hari bukan sahaja sebagai mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah dan bahasa yang digunakan untuk mengajar sahaja. Murid-murid sekolah, sejak kecil lagi harus diberi peluang menghayati bahasa kebangsaan sebagai bahasa pertuturan, bahasa pengantar dan bahasa sastera. Segala aktiviti penghayatan bahasa kebangsaan harus dijalankan untuk rakyat muda di peringkat sekolah juga. Bak pepatah, “Melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya”. Pembelajaran bahasa kebangsaan tidak seharusnya memberi tumpuan untuk mendapat keputusan cemerlang setakat di sijil pelajaran sahaja.

Semasa di sekolah, penulis telah dibuka minda dan diajar menghayati bahasa kebangsaan melalui penglibatan dalam pertandingan debat, bersajak dan berpantun. Berbalas pantun sambil menyanyikan lagu Rasa Sayang sudah menjadi kebiasaan. Penulis masih ingat apabila lagu Rasa Sayang dibawa ke Kapal Belia Asia tahun 2003. Peserta-peserta Kapal Belia Asia dari negara Brunei, Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia berbalas pantun dan semua peserta bersama-sama menyanyikan lagu Rasa Sayang itu. Aktiviti ini mencetuskan minat para peserta dari negara lain untuk mempelajari bahasa Melayu supaya dapat berhubung dengan bangsa Malaysia dan rakyat dari negara-negara jiran.

Harapan penulis supaya bahasa kebangsaan dapat menjadi bahasa membina bangsa Malaysia sekali gus menjadi bahasa dunia yang dihormati. Biarlah suara bahasa Melayu menjadi suara lantang di peringkat dunia.

- PENULIS ialah Presiden Kelab Lions CyberCare Kuala Lumpur.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Mercedes in pain

I just couldn't get myself to sleep tonight. Many things on my mind after short reflections.

1. On my social activities - already thought to cut down and focus on organ donation last year. Anas suggested that I quit all others or just be member and focus on one. My first thought is Organ Donation but my heart just cannot leave St. John Ambulance, too. It is a burning fire since school days.

2. On my tasks - I have cleared a few tasks and more to clear tomorrow in office. But my single largest task is to finish the St. John Ambulance centenary book. While I was being assigned as co-director (unofficially) for the book, I did not hear any news update about it since my operation. I just sent an email to the team to find out my status. Not sure if I am still a part of the book production team.

3. On relationship - I found out where it went wrong. So I ought to correct this.

4. On coming blood tests - 7am I will be going to BP laboratories for a blood test and ultrasound scan. This is the second follow up tests after the operation.

5. On my gastric pain - I had gastric, quite serious wind and gastric before operations. Every now and then I would need a doctor's consultation. I still remember fasting during Ramadhan back when I was 18 years old. After 4 years of consistent fasting during Ramadhan, I stopped on the 5th because of gastric. This should be the 8th year I can't fast for the coming Ramadhan if the gastric does not get better. However, after operation, it was for months until I had some wind and few days ago, gastric came back. Overworked (trying to finish scanning 400+ cards to the CRM system), sleeping late, eating too much at different intervals, meal schedule altered and not taking the gastric pill when needed. OK, since I already knew the reasons, I will take care of myself better.

6. On my Mercedes (my scar on the abdomen) - the Mercedes is a little sensitive these few days. Touching the surface of the scar also feel sensitive. Right side of the scar also having occasional pitching pain. Seems like I am not fully healed yet. I have heard from friends and doctors that sometimes organ donors tend to be depressed mainly due to the pain.

As a happy-go-lucky person, I never find myself having problems with depression. With the Mercedes on and the occasion pain, however, I tend to avoid socializing and meeting people now. I realized that the name cards I got from attending a seminar is now lesser than previous. Even if I go to areas with many people or crowded places, I tend to protect my Mercedes with the fear of people bumping to this luxury logo!

A few weeks ago, I really felt the "depression". I felt that I am more reserved, not joining activities as I used to be, stay home more often and even when going out, I felt myself over protective of the Mercedes. I tend to talk lesser but laugh more. The more I feel sad, the more I laugh and tell jokes, so to release tension.

A fortunate thing to realize all these very early. I told my colleagues about this - releasing whatever feelings I have. Sometimes, pouring out is the best way out. I forced myself to join activities - I joined the Sampah Masyarakat for Buddhist Maha Vihara clean up from the Wesak day aftermath, braved myself to the 3,800 crowd in Millionaire Mind Intensive (even so, I bought the VIP ticket to avoid crushing on with people at general seats).

News on me were out in Feminine, Money Compass, Sin Chew Daily and multiple blogs written on me - all these are happy occasions. Frankly, who will not be happy with news on papers? These news actually helped to reduce my "depression". With more news, more sms-es poured in and more people lifted me to the sky by saying how great I am, how couragous I am, how goddess is this.... sometimes I felt that this liver donation only touched one life, more people have done more to touch more lives, therefore mine is not too big a feat. However, these comments did help to reduce the "depression".

Then during XeerSoft Day, I truly enjoyed the day as just any Xeer (in our company, everyone is a Xeer). I wasn't in any committee as I was already in charged of team building on XeerSoft Day before my operation. It was a full enjoyment. Although I could not run fast but I gave all I can to support my team, even running with both hands supporting my Mercedes. On that day, I got the best team member award. During that day, I was also awarded for being the best in Smiling Contest. The slow building up of "depression" was defeated by multiple "warriors of happiness and smiles".

I want to thank everyone who has helped me gone through the process of post operation. My aunts who took care of me surpassing the professional nurses standards, my friends and family members who visited me, news in the papers which came in the right time to surpress the "depression", all of the people who has said nice and kind words to me, every smile and laughter brought to me (I still remember how I chased Danny and Rudi out of the hospital ward when the two clowns made me laugh till it was so unbearable even when I support the Mercedes all the while), my colleagues who accompany me to sales initiatives without which I will need to carry heavy things, XeerSoft who brought me joy and fun at work, my Dad with his never ending support, new found friends whom I met after operation, my new found life - sounds like I found my life too - not just saving An Qi but I saved myself as well, every breath I am still taking for it allow me to inspire more people while I am still breathing, and myself for knowing how to take care of myself well.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

It has been a long long time not seeing any rainbow! Or maybe it was because I focused too much on the book that I am writing that I see rainbow now. The book was supposed to be named "Inspiring Soul of a Rainbow" as my name Hoong means rainbow and Ling sounds like soul in Mandarin. A friend suggested that title.

This week is very colourful, so I start this blog with a photo of a rainbow I saw while having slow jog at the lake nearby my house about 10 days ago. Yes yes yes, I can jog now but slowly and also training for the coming KL International Marathon. I am taking the 5km fun run. Too bad, all other colleagues taking 10km walk and I will be left alone. Need a bodyguard to take care of my "Mercedes".

Speaking about organ donor being depressed due to pain - although I felt it last month - I do not want it to stop me from doing things I want. I think depression is only a state of mind.

Flip opened this month's (June 2009) Money Compass magazine which I bought just now. My news was at the section where they interview celebrities on views regarding wealth. Ahem, celebrity... and wealth.

I can't read Chinese so much so I wouldn't be able to translate until someone can help me with it in office next week.

My companion is back! The Nikon D50 was left with the St. John Ambulance to assist in photo taking for our upcoming centenary book. I was a part of the project before the liver donation operation and after operation, seems like things are in good hands. Not sure if I am still part of the project as almost everything is now "done". Eagerly, awaiting the launch of the book!

Adding another collection to my wardrobe, a new Punjabi suit.

These two days, I am attending the Millionaire Mind Intensive - second time attending. I blogged about it here last year. I found that my money blueprint has now changed as compared to last year. This year I find myself wanting total success - not only in wealth, but also in health and relationships - both family and friends.

Life is like a rainbow and it should be colourful! Life is meant to be abundant in every areas of life mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Live life to the fullest and find your own rainbow!

My life is just somewhere over the rainbow....

Friday, June 12, 2009

My not-so productive week

This week my calendar looks like this. All orange coloured are appointments, tasks, events and seminars. I just came back from Ipoh and this week supposed to attend Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) from Friday to Sunday 9am-11pm daily. However, work is important and my fellow business friends in Ipoh have been expecting this semi-celebrity (me, ahem!) to share about my company's products.

Last two weeks, having a powerful presentation to the public in the Public Business Finance Expo in KLCC, I repeated the topic, "How IT Can Be a Profitable Investment for Your Business?" and presented again today but in Cantonese. I presented to a group of entreprenuers, many of whom are Persatuan Usahawan Maju Malaysia (PUMM) members. A few are also friends whom I made during my last impressive (as decribed by participants) emceeing session for their BOSS Academy Roadshow where the Menteri Besar of Perak graced. And if anyone is wondering, it was Dato' Sri Zambry.

This week, I finally sat down to scan 7 boxes of name cards, exporting them to excel and getting my colleague to upload to our XeerSoft CRM system. My sales follow up cards are now too many to handle that I want to go paperless. I left all other things undone including the 280+ unread email conversations, 30 action tasks, 22 next action, 15 waiting on (We are utilising Get Things Done GTDInbox if you wonder what those mean). I also left sales reports, sales templates, welcome email (Chua helped me drafted), sales updates, SELF internal tasks, and even my HEALTH CHECKS (second follow up blood test and ultrasound after liver donation).

XeerSoft CRM, developed last year (if I remembered correctly), was one of XeerSoft very powerful module. It was meant for our clients who will consolidate their customers' data and generate reports. It wasn't meant for sales follow up but I found the workaround!

The system could do email settings to send newsletters and circulars to customers, launch campaigns like birthday campaigns, schedule emails, helpdesk call centre records (which I now use as sales calls history records), voucher management with sofisticated voucher security settings, customers details records (whatever fields you want, flexible enough to cater and configured to your needs), customer listings and even allowed to provide points or redemption function.

Yea I know the pictures are not clear because I saved as png and I do not intend to do sales via my blog. If you need, then just call me for an appointment and I will demo the system to you.

Oh yes, it is also web-based meaning I can access the system wherever I have Internet access - that is basically almost EVERYWHERE because I now subscribe to unlimited data service on my PDA. Instead of having sales cards in office where I can only update in office, I can now do my work everywhere I am.

I am still in office as I blog. Since tomorrow and Sunday I will be "charging battery" in MMI 9am onwards to late night, I want to at least clear all emails and some action items pending from weeks ago. We are relaxing - not that I worked too hard till I stay late... in fact, we are also drinking - to celebrate a new client who has paid deposit and another satisfied client where we start to receive consistent monthly payments.

If you are wondering, I correctly used "we" because two other colleagues are here with me! And if you wondered, too, yes, I already start drinking last week.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Liver Donation Miracle via Web Plea

I am not sure if the title is translated correctly. These are scanned pages of this month (June 2009) Feminine chinese magazine. Enjoy~

Look at my face on the 7th day of operation with An Qi.

Smiles.... my new sister - we are SATU HATI!

Haha... my baby photo with my mom

My Dad, my closest friend

One happy family

Let me Introduce: Anas Zubedy

Listen closely, I have a very interesting guy to introduce! Yes, you never see me introduce people in my blog and this is the first - definitely a special person.

One fine day, my boss suddenly invited me to go along with him to VEE Member's guest day where our MD's friend invited us to. I saw the brochure attached and found out that Anas Zubedy will be speaking on that day. I knew Zubedy, the company which advertises very meaningful advertisements in TheStar - full page ad and always featuring a figure and the texts that come with it actually made me learn something. I always wonder what Zubedy is and now I have a chance to see this guy.

While my boss left shortly after accompanying me in the hall, I enjoyed the session so much that I stayed till the end. Just last month, a full page advertisement came in TheStar:

Dear Malaysian Politicians,

Please stop the power chase, call for a truce and focus on the economy.

I do not claim to speak on behalf of all Malaysians, but I have strong convictions that many share my sentiments.

Our concern today is not who rules the country or heads the state governments but the looming bad economy.

Whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat leads, it is meaningless if Malaysians have no job to go to, no money to pay rent and no means to put food on the table.

I am a business owner, like other business owners and managers of corporations I have a responsibility to ensure people under my care and payroll continue to have jobs and a decent income to take home. We work hard and willing to go the extra mile to make sure our nation not only survive this crisis but come out stronger and wiser. We need your help.

Let me explain. I am in the business of Training, Development and Consultancy and have 20 people in my team.

Saedah is 42. She keeps the office clean and helps organise the training rooms. She has four children and her husband is unemployed. She was first hired on a part time basis, because she is very hard working and has a great attitude, we offered her a full time job to help provide a stable income for her family. Even then, when her third child started school this year, it was a struggle for her to buy new school uniforms and other necessities. Saedah lives on a ‘kais bulan, makan bulan’ basis, so, if she is jobless, her tap runs dry.

Samsuri is 27 years old. He lives with his sister and her family in a low cost government flat in Sunway. He does our despatch, helps with various clerical works and occasionally acts as a driver. During the first week at zubedy, we learned that he not only did not have money to buy new clothes and shoes for work, he had no money for lunch. Like Saedah, if he has no job, his tap runs dry too.

Alicia in Client Servicing turns 26 this year. She lives with her dad who is 71 years old and retired. Her mom passed away when she was little. Alicia is a hard-working team member, has a gentle caring outlook and fun to be with. (We like to poke fun at her as she blushes easily). Last May her dad went through a major operation, thank God he has recovered well. Alicia needs a job, both for herself and her dad.

Sudesh, 38, is one of our facilitators. When his father passed away last year, he moved back and lives with his mother in Seremban. He shuttles between Kuala Lumpur and Seremban daily, leaving home sometimes as early as 4 in the morning and returning late at night. He is no stranger to hard work and sacrifice, he knows what he needs to do to survive and to care for his mother, but he too needs a job.

Like fellow Malaysians, every one of us in zubedy needs employment, those that live from hand to mouth like Saedah and Samsuri and others like Alicia and Sudesh with family to care for. We Malaysians need the Malaysian economy to be strong. We need you, our leaders, to work hard and to work together to make our economy viable.

So this is my plea.

Pakatan Rakyat, please stop your attempts to take over the federal government and persuade BN’s lawmakers to join you. Stop all legal proceedings, no more 916 and let go, just let go. The nation can wait till the next general elections if they want change. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and gracious and give you their support in the next elections.

Barisan Nasional, please stop any attempts to take over PR states and win over PR’s lawmakers. You have proven your point with Perak. The nation can wait for the next general elections if they want your party. Focus all your talent, energy and hard work in steering the country out of an economic downturn. By doing so, Malaysians will see your party as caring, unselfish and smart and give you their support in the next elections.

BN and PR! Call for a truce. Get together and compromise. Someone has to give in. Or has hate consumed your heart till it blinds you? You can do it. You have enough intelligent people between you. I am sure you can find solutions. Take the nation to heart. That is why you are in politics in the first place.

Focus on the people.

Focus on the economy.

Anas Zubedy
Managing Director
Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd

(Source: here)
I did not catch the ad but was informed that this superman has done his stunt!

Anas spoke and first he introduced himself saying he was 45 years old. This guy looks so much younger. Yet, his topic that day was pretty serious and he knows what he was talking about. His knowledge abundant, ask him a question, he can tell you everything. He is a very knowledgable speaker as Zubedy also teaches courses for change, leadership, management and soft skills. Interesting.

He spoke on innovation and marketing, also management. He also launched a book "Have a Meaningful Malaysia" which is a collection of all Zubedy ads. BUY IT! It is a worthwhile read and I like it very much. (What? A collection of ad into a book? Huh?) The book explains cultures, meaningful introduction to people in each religion and some lessons.

The book, launched on May 13th will turn that date into a unity date. He will have books to unite people in the series. His main topic is always on unity. While I thought I am bangsa Malaysia enough, he is even more bangsa Malaysia. Thanks to his brought up in a village where his family was the only Malay family there. Anas is a person who knows every culture and religion in his fingertips. Ask him, he can answer you! Or the book, Have a Meaningful Malaysia, is a great start!

I have a chance to meet him again during his book signing session last week. Apparently, I emailed him to ask for his assistance to help in the marketing part of my book. I was glad he agreed to help. Look, he is a MD of his company and now a celebrity! How can he not be a celebrity when he writes ads like the above, launch books and have book signing sessions, appears on radio and TV so often now..? Talking about having a celebrity helping me in my book, what a blessing!

So we had tea in Sri Hartamas. I forgot when I emailed him, I was supposed to give him a treat of teh tarik for a full year. Yet, I didn't bother to pay for the makan. Paiseh =.=" (see what my memory has done to me)

He is very direct, asked many questions which I think many people dare not ask at first meet. I could answer questions frankly and don't mind to tell but I find myself couldn't ask questions on family and relationships so well. Why? I do not have a good family background and my relationships s**k, so I am afraid to ask people these things afraid if they may not want to even mention it. So in our meet up, I think he understands me better than I understand him because he knows what questions to ask, while I am not sure what I want to know about him.

Anyway, Anas was born in Penang - everytime I see him, he spoke about Penang to people so he is very Penang la... He speaks English, Malay, even HOKKIEN and also some Tamil. The University Malaya graduate was in marketing for a big company (multinational) and then he started Zubedy in 1994.

He blogs at http://letusaddvalue.blogspot.com and reading his blog is very inspiring, motivating and is like a knowledge hub, too. One of my fave is this. It motivates me to work harder while all these while I have been working smart!

Googling on Anas made me encountered some nasty comments on him, too! However, in a world of human beings, we could not get all positive feedbacks la, brother. I only came to understand this deeply when working with Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat, whether he is good or bad, there are still good and bad feedbacks on him as a politician. In the past I could not tolerate bad feedbacks or negative comments (I am young, OK?) so working with DS OTK is a blessing for me to learn more.

Anyway, for Anas, is way to go! Those who threw nasty comments, go find out the truth before saying anything. Well, people are subjected to their own opinions because of their own experience anyway. This guy got the guts to do it and spent his own money for it. I believe the ad has made a wake-up call for politicians, too.

In conclusion, I leave readers to know this guy through his blog, and do read "Have a Meaningful Malaysia".

Old and New merged

I just imported my old blog to this blog so is now old and new in ONE.

As I am consolidating the blogs, therefore this blog does not serve only for 2009 tracking (which was intended to be). I will be closing the old one which was published in my old website at www.fredjef.com.

Seems like everything brand new now - new blog, new website at www.hoongling.com and new life! A lot of things happened in the past, some good some bad but as years passed, it churned out a stronger Hoong Ling. I appreciate all life's happenings, all which made me a better Hoong Ling.